Keyestudio arduino mega serial port
Keyestudio arduino mega serial port

keyestudio arduino mega serial port

Opening source code and using C language developed status in Java concept (cross platform) make a rapid growth for Arduino peripheral module and application. And its power can be supplied by the USB, or the AC-to-DC adapter and battery can be also as an external power supply. Because its bootloader, process can be downloaded directly with the USB and you don’t need to use other external programmer. Keyestudio Mega (core to ATmega2560) is a development board (used with16MHz crystal oscillator ) of microcontroller. There 54 groups of I/O (input/output ) digital ends (of which 14 group to do PWM output), 16 groups of simulation analogy input ends and 4 groups of UART (hardwareserial ports) in it.

Keyestudio arduino mega serial port